Weekly News 9th March 2014/ Belonging at St John's





It’s that time of year again when we ensure that our Electoral Roll is up to date. If you’ve joined us more recently and consider St John’s to be your spiritual ‘home’, then we’d love you to put your name on the Roll. It’s a list of our regular worshippers, and whilst you don’t have to include your name to be a part of St John’s, it does help us keep a track of our membership.

Being on the roll also gives you more of a formal say in what happens in the church. In particular, it enables you to vote in elections at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting on 27 April, and stand as a candidate for our leadership body, the PCC.

If you wish to add your name to the Electoral Roll, you must be baptized, at least 16 years of age (or sixteen on your next birthday), and live in the parish, or have worshipped at St. John's for at least six months. Please speak to Jon if you have any doubts about whether you are eligible.

Application forms are on the table by the entrance to the Side chapel and on the little table, where the Welcomers stand, as you leave church. Please return it either by putting it in the box in the porch or by giving it to Geoff Batten or Paul Kingman by Sunday, 23rd March.

Click here to download Weekly News 9th March 2014