The 'MEH' Month?

A lot of people find February a difficult time of year. The high of Christmas is long forgotten, Spring hasn’t yet sprung, and well, the great British weather doesn’t offer much to lift the spirits.

It’s not so easy this month to give a hearty ‘Amen’ to Paul’s charge to ‘give thanks in all circumstances for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus’ (1 Thessalonians 5:18).

But we lose sight of the power of gratitude at our peril.

Someone once said, ‘the only medicine for a life turned in on itself is rediscovering the art of saying thank you’. To utter the words ‘thank you’ is to recognise your dependence on another person, to say ‘you’ve made this possible’.

Of course, that is no more true than the ‘Thank You’ we extend to Jesus, who has made all things possible. When we return our gaze His way, express our thanks to Him, we become people who reveal His glory. And possibly, February doesn’t become quite so uninspiring…

Click here to download   Weekly News 5th February 2017