Weekly News 24th July 2016/ Serving Opportunities Follow-Up


SERVING OPPORTUNITIES FOLLOW-UP I am aware that we haven’t yet detailed to the church the response that flowed out of our 21 day period of prayer, and what that might mean for us going forward.

There have been some movements even in the last few days with some of the gaps in our mid-week youth groups. Consequently, we are now asking whether people, who might not have been minded to take on a leadership role, might consider offering to lend a hand as a helper for a year for Cru2 (7-11 yr olds). Cru2 runs on a Tuesday night from 6:15-7:30pm, and could do with a couple of extra people to support the existing team. If you are think you might be able to assist, let Jon know.

More widely, we will outline the response we received to ‘Serving Opportunities’ after the Summer exodus, as well as set out some intentions for sharpening our vision.

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