Weekly News 13th April 2014/ Palm Sunday



            Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week, when we concentrate on Jesus’ journey to the cross. It all starts with a mood of celebration and optimism, but the pendulum swings. The undercurrent of foreboding gains strength and takes us to a painful place.

We all know that the Easter weekend sees the pendulum swing back the other way – from the darkness of Good Friday to the joy of Easter Sunday. It’s worth following that arc through Holy Week. It helps us to frame the ups and downs of our own lives into the story in which we all sit – Jesus’ story. It is in that narrative we discover hope and our true fixed point.

This week, our loose collection during the service will be for Bishop Christopher’s Lent call. We will contribute to a number of projects that are looking to help people experience the pendulum swing from darkness to light. The focus of the projects this year include:

Our neighbours in the Diocese – Create, Southwark Day Centre for Asylum Seekers, The Joel Community and St Mildred’s Addiscombe Drop In.

Our neighbours in our Link Dioceses in Zimbabwe.

Our neighbours in the wider world, featuring Five Talents, Christian Solidarity Worldwide and the Institute for the Healing of Memories.

Normal cash donations to St John’s may be left in the plate by the door after the service.

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