Sneak Preview // Weekly News 18th August



We don’t want to wish your Summer weeks away, but there is plenty in store for this Autumn. Some of what lies ahead is outlined overleaf, but here is a glimpse of other things to come:

  • On 8 September, Paul & Cathy Harris, our speakers at Ashburnham, will be joining us for our Morning Worship. Paul will preach, as we return to our walk through 1 Corinthians.


  • In November, there will be a retreat day for anyone who wants to take some time out from the hustle and bustle and think about what it means to slow down and engage with God in quiet.


  • We’ll get together in the Assembly Rooms for a Sunday morning and bring and share lunch, as we did not so long ago – to explore the joys and pain of sharing our faith.

We’ll be looking to develop the way we operate as Christ’s body, by developing some clearer team structures, with a view to putting these in place in the New Year.

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Click here to download Weekly News 18th August 2013
